About Letter Openers
Although today’s constant digital communications via texting, twitter, Facebook and email have…
reduced the frequency of correspondence arriving in paper envelopes, there still seems to be enough arriving daily to warrant using something other than a finger or kitchen knife to do the opening.
Customers have commented that they “love opening things with (their) letter opener”. Perhaps the drudgery of receiving bills in the mail is made more enjoyable when it allows the use of a finely crafted tool, to say nothing of how pleasant it is to open a personal card or letter.
My letter openers are made from a single piece of wood that begins as a rectangular blank. The blank is mounted between centers on the lathe and the handle turned and finished.
The blade portion is cut on a bandsaw and shaped with a variety of sanders before being finished with shellac or friction polish.
A seemingly simple project, letter openers require a fair amount of detailed work to make them special.
Letter openers are sturdy but delicate and should only be used to open paper envelopes. Use your utility knife to open bubble packs, shipping boxes and things sealed with packing tape.